Processchema Moo

The user has real-time insight,
providing a direct advantage over
the competition for making quick
and good trading decisions.
Here, purchase and sales contracts
are created, and purchase invoicing
and commissions are handled.
With the push of a button, sales
invoicing, including proforma
invoices and currency hedging, is
At a glance, get a complete overview
of all scheduled goods movements for
the current, previous, and upcoming
weeks. From the planning, open
contract quantities can be scheduled
directly. With the push of a button!
In the call-off order, partial quantities
of the contracts are called off. Origin,
destination, and quantity are entered.
The origin can be stock, stock location,
or a purchase contract. The destination
is the customer, stock location, or your
own warehouse.
Combine multiple ingredients to
produce a new product. Inventory is
accurately updated, including cost
price calculation for new batches
and processing any mixing losses.
Risk Management
Qbil-Trade helps mitigate financial
risks through credit and position
limits, contract hedging, integrated
currency hedging on a contract basis,
built-in controls, and personalized
segregation of duties.